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Since Western education became
firmly rooted in Nigeria, it has faced myriads of problems. Most of these
problems are hardly lost on the various governments, whether during colonial or
post-independence era. It has resulted in the setting up of various commissions
(e.g. the Ashby Commission of 1960; the 1969 curriculum conference, etc) to
examine Nigeria's educational problems and make recommendations. These problems
pertained to the quantity and quality of teachers, educational facilities,
curriculum planning and development, etc. Adaralegbe (1983:16) noted that
"a recurring feature in Nigerian secondary school system from its
inception about 120 years ago was its poor staffing". Adesina (1990:76)
speaking on the physical facilities also observed "Post-independence
Nigeria saw most Nigeria's primary and secondary school buildings no better
than they were during the colonial era".
In fact, most of them are
worse now having suffered from lack of maintenance and weather conditions (e.g.
rain-storm). Though the various Governments, military and civilian, have given
considerable attention to the provision of more teachers and schools, the
reality in most schools today, from the primary to the tertiary levels,
confirms that the problems still linger.
The problems of shortage of teachers and classrooms are
intricately interwoven and when both combine with large pupil enrolment, the
consequence is over-crowded classrooms. This is the sad truth in many Nigerian
classrooms especially in the major towns and cities with many classes
registering fifty (50) to
one hundred (100) students and
above which is clearly above the internationally recommended standard (See
Table 1).
The poor state of the physical facilities in the schools
confirms Adesina's (1990 p.76) observation that this aspect of the educational
problem has been consistently ignored in educational "plans and
reports". He cited the 'example of Banjo Commission (1961) in the then
Western Nigeria and a similar One in the old Eastern Nigeria which failed to
mention 'inadequate physical facilities' as one of the fifteen factors
considered responsible for failing standard of education. Only the Old man
Report on Northern Nigeria gave some attention to buildings and furniture in
schools (Adesina, 1990). The consequence as noted by the West Africa study
group of the Nuffied Foundation (1952) in their report on educational policy
and practice in Tropical Africa is that "... most of the school buildings
are poor and made worse by over-crowding..." (Adesina, 1990 p.70).
Ordinarily, the phenomenon of rural-urban drift in an
emergent nation like Nigeria normally exerts pressure on the facilities and
services such as hospitals, schools, transportation etc. However, the
introduction of the Universal Free Primary Education (U.P.E.) first in the old
Western Region in 1955 and later in the Eastern Region in 1957 as well as the
launching of the U.P.E. Scheme by the Federal Government in 1976 compounded the
problems of providing adequate facilities in schools to meet the resultant unprecedented
upsurge in pupil enrollment (Akinyemi, 1983). With inadequate planning for the
expected population explosion in schools, over crowded classrooms now become a
permanent feature of academic setting at all levels of thee educational system.
In addition, Educational planning in Nigeria has always
been thought of in terms of quantitative growth, which is usually above the
financial capacity of the Government (Adesina, 1990). A recent example is the
implementation of the current 6-3-3-4 system of education, which is seriously
affected by lack of adequate funding and poor preparation. Even though the
Federal and State Governments have shown serious commitment to educational
development through their annual budgetary allocation to Education in recent years
(allocation to Education sector is second only to Defense), the attention given
to physical facilities is far from being adequate. The issue at stake is not
how 'huge' the allocation is but how 'adequate'. In a study by Ndagi (1983) on
educational financing under military rule (1968-1978) it was found that:
of the financial resources
allocated to secondary level institutions, over 80% -went to the personal
emolument of staff and the maintenance of students while less than 10% went to
the purchase of educational materials and equipment, (p. 195).
And in the case of the State
Governments, the same study found out that.
of the resource allocated to
secondary level education, on average, over
50% went to the personal emoluments of Staff and over 30% to the
maintenance Of students while less than 15% was Used for the purchase of
educational Materials and equipment; (pp. 195-196).
In the case of students' furniture, some state Governments
have completely handed off the supply. Students either pay to the school to
purchase for them or they bring from home. The latter is more popular. Such
furniture now come in all shapes and sizes presenting an ugly sight in the
The phenomenon of overcrowded classroom as well as poor
quality and inadequate furniture in the classroom due to unlimited expansion
has taken its toll on the educational system. Only few people will deny that
the quality of teaching and learning is on the decline at all levels of the
educational system. The poor result of the Senior Secondary School examination
(SSCE) in almost all subjects in recent years is one potent indicator. The
increase in examination malpractices cannot be divorced from poor seating
arrangement in classrooms. The quantity and quality of interaction in the class
are likely to be adversely affected due to lack of space for moving round the
class and the over whelming number of students that the teacher has to deal
with within a forty-minute lesson. Nolasco and Arthur (1988) also identified
five likely problems of large classes:
coping with the noise,
persuading the class to use Physics , managing the introduction and setting up
of activities, making limited resources go a long way and monitoring the work
of individuals within the class (p.5).
These and many other problems inform the decision to
conduct this study with the hope that it will help to draw more attention to
this ugly situation under which learning is expected to take place and
educational objectives are to be attained.
The Health and Physical Education domain provides students with
knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable them to achieve a degree of autonomy
in developing and maintaining their physical, mental, social and emotional
health. This domain focuses on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and
physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups in our society. This
domain is unique in having the potential to impact on the physical, social,
emotional and mental health of students. It promotes the potential for lifelong
participation in physical activity through the development of motor skills and
movement competence, health-related physical fitness and sport education.
Engaging in physical activity, games, sport and outdoor recreation contributes
to a sense of community and social connectedness. These are vital components of
improved wellbeing.
Students’ involvement in physical activity can take many forms,
ranging from individual, non-competitive activity through to competitive team
games. Emphasis is placed on combining motor skills and tactical knowledge to
improve individual and team performance. Students progress from the development
of basic motor skills to the performance of complex movement patterns that form
part of team games. They learn how developing physical capacity in areas such
as strength, flexibility and endurance is related to both fitness and physical
Students progress from learning simple rules and procedures to
enable them to participate in movement and physical activity safely, to using
equipment safely and confidently. Students undertake a variety of roles when
participating in sports such as umpire, coach, player and administrator and
assume responsibility for the organisation of aspects of a sporting
competition. This domain explores the developmental changes that occur
throughout the human lifespan. It begins by identifying the health needs
necessary to promote and maintain growth and development, followed by
discussion of significant transitions across the lifespan including puberty, to
gaining an understanding of human sexuality and factors that influence its
expression. The exploration of human development also includes a focus on the
establishment of personal identity, factors that shape identity and the
validity of stereotypes. Students develop an understanding of the right to be
safe and explore the concepts of challenge, risk and safety. They identify the
harms associated with particular situations and behaviours and how to take
action to minimise these harms.
Through the provision of health knowledge, this domain develops an
understanding of the importance of personal and community actions in promoting
health and knowledge about the factors that promote and protect the physical,
social, mental and emotional health of individuals, families and communities.
Students investigate issues ranging from individual lifestyle choices to
provision of health services by both government and non-government bodies. In
investigating these issues, they explore differing perspectives and develop
informed positions. This domain examines the role of food in meeting dietary
needs and the factors that influence food choice. Students progress from
learning about the importance of eating a variety of foods to understanding the
role of a healthy diet in the prevention of disease.
The classroom is the heart of any educational system. No
curriculum planning is complete without implementation and evolution, both of
which are mainly carried out in the classroom. Most of the class activities
take place while students are seated. The seating arrangement is therefore too
important to suffer the kind of neglect being experienced by many secondary
schools in the country. As rightly observed by Cohen and Manion (1983 p.221)
"a careful attention to seating arrangement contributes as effectively as
any other aspect of classroom management and control to overall success with a
class subsequently". Adesina (1990 p.13) also affirms that one potent
index for evaluating educational standards and quality is an examination of the
physical facilities available for learning experiences".
The seating arrangement can
make or mar any lesson. Ideally, in a secondary school, especially in a mixed
ability grouping, as found in Nigeria schools, seats should be arranged in rows
with a reasonable amount of space between them to allow for proper
teacher-student and student-student interactions as well as allow for
individual and group work (Cohen and Manion, 1983). To this end, the ratio of
teacher to students should not exceed 1:30 or at most 40 judging by the size of
the classrooms. But what one finds in many o these classes is between ratio 1:
50 and 1: 150 in certain cases.
This study was therefore interested in identifying the
major problems caused by over-populated classes in Nigeria growing towns and
cities with a view to making suggestions that could help to alleviate the
problems. The popularity of class-size reduction may make it difficult for
policymakers to increase class size across the board in order to sustain other
investments in education during a period of budget reductions. In that context,
state policymakers should consider targeting CSR at students who have been
shown to benefit the most: disadvantaged students in the early grades, or
providing a certain amount of funding for CSR but leaving it up to local school
leaders on how to distribute it.
In settings
where state mandates on maximum class size are relaxed, policymakers need to
bear in mind that the effect of any increase in class size will depend on how
such an increase is implemented. For
example, a one-student increase in the pupil/teacher ratio in the NIGERIA.
would reduce the teaching workforce by about 7 percent. If the teachers to be laid off were chosen in
a way largely unrelated to their effectiveness, such as seniority-based
layoffs, then the associated increase in class size might well have a negative
effect on student achievement. But if
schools choose the least effective teachers to let go, then the effect of
increased teacher quality could make up for some or all of the possible
negative impact of increasing class size.
The national policy on education revised in 2010 stipulates that
the maximum teacher –student ratio is one teacher is to thirty students. The obvious reason for this standard is to
ensure that the teacher not only controls the class but also to ensure that he
understands the learning capabilities of
each of the learner in the classroom.
Ozochi (2008) affirms that there is a limit to which a teacher can
effectively control, anything more than that according to him will affect the
school objectives.
However, in most of our secondary schools today the teacher
–student ration has gone far beyond the stipulation of the national policy on
education. Students stay more than fifty
in each class, seating arrangement altered, thereby making teaching and
learning difficult. Educational planners
in Nigeria have attributed the over bloated class size due to the explosion of
the population of children of school age.
Recently the Enugu State Government through her agently spliced most of
the secondary schools located within the metropolis in order perpherps to expel
the agony of overcrowded classroom.
Physics, like all other health science is an activity based
subject, a situation whereby the learner is exposed mainly to the practical
learning process under the guide and supervision of a teacher. Maduagwu et al (1998) opines that
effectiveness of a classroom management results when the teacher and student
achieve the purpose of which either are together in a class under an
overcrowded classroom environment like what obtains in most of our schools
today it becomes pertinent to ask, how effective is teaching and learning
particularly in subject area that requires close monitoring of the learner by
the teacher.
1. To
determine the effect of class seize on effective teaching and learning of physicsin
Senior secondary schools.
2.To develop students’ motor and games skills and equip them with
the knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue and enjoy a physically active and
healthy lifestyle.
3. To evaluate the implication of over-crowded class on students
assimilation and understanding of physics.
4. To evaluate the level of competency and proficiency of teachers
in teaching physics in Senior secondary schools.
5. To know the challenges
faced by teachers in teaching, controlling and monitoring a large crowd of
student in physics.
6. To recommend solution to the problems.
To findout ways class size affects
teaching and learning of physics in Senior secondary schools in Enugu North
Local Government Area of Enugu State.
2. To
examine the effectiveness of the policy guiding teacher-student ratio in Senior
secondary school physics
3. To
examine how effective is the use of instructional materials in an overcrowded
classroom environment.
1. What are
the effects of class seize on effective teaching and learning of physicsin Senior
secondary schools?
2.Can physics help to
develop students’ motor and games skills and equip them with the
knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue and enjoy a physically active and
healthy lifestyle?
3. What are the implications of over-crowded class on students
assimilation and understanding of physics?
4. How is it possible to evaluate the level of competency and
proficiency of teachers in teaching physics in Senior secondary schools?
5. What are the challenges faced by teachers in teaching,
controlling and monitoring a large crowd of student in physics?
H0: The is
no significant relationship between
class seize of students and effective teaching and learning of physicsin Senior
secondary schools.
H1: The is
a significant relationship between class seize of students and
effective teaching and learning of physicsin Senior secondary schools.
H0: Over-crowded class has negative implications on students
assimilation and understanding of physics.
H1: Over-crowded class has positive implications on students assimilation and
understanding of physics.
H0: It is impossible to
evaluate the level of competency and proficiency of teachers in teaching physics
in Senior secondary schools.
H1: It is possible to evaluate the level of competency and
proficiency of teachers in teaching physics in Senior secondary schools.
H0: The are no challenges
faced by teachers in teaching, controlling and monitoring a large crowd of
student in physics.
H1: The are challenges faced by teachers in teaching, controlling
and monitoring a large crowd of student in physics.
1. The
study when completed would enable the teacher and or instruction know the
dangers associated with over-crowded classroom.
2. It
would assist the government and education planner on recruitment and
supervision of teachers bearing in mind the expected teacher-learner ratio.
3. The
study will assist in providing a guide in the realization of one of the core
objectives of Nigeria education which is
to make Nigeria one of the technological advanced countries in the world.
The study is on the effect of class seize in effective teaching
and learning of physics in Senior secondary schools. This study is limited to government Senior secondary schools
located in Enugu North Local Government Area.
Despite the
limited scope of this study certain constraints were encountered during the
research of this project. Some of the
constraints experienced by the researcher were given below:
i. TIME: This was a
major constraint on the researcher during the period of the work. Considering
the limited time given for this study, there was not much time to give this
research the needed attention.
ii. FINANCE: Owing to
the financial difficulty prevalent in the country and it’s resultant prices of
commodities, transportation fares, research materials etc. The researcher did
not find it easy meeting all his financial obligations.
researchers have never had it easy when it comes to obtaining necessary
information relevant to their area of study from private business organization
and even government agencies. Teachers in government Senior secondary schools Enugu North Local Government Area find it difficult to reveal their internal
operations. The primary information was collected through face-to-face
interview getting the published materials on this topic meant going from one
library to other which was not easy.
Although these problems placed limitations on the study, but it did not prevent the researcher from
carrying out a detailed and comprehensive research work on the subject matter.
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